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Michael Young, O.D.
Doctor of Optometry
Eye Care For You


841 Hartnell Ave Ste B | Redding, CA 96002 | Phone: 530-222-1233

Caring for Your Eyeglasses

August 1, 2024

Have you only lately started wearing glasses? Glasses remain popular and have many advantages over contacts, including the ability for your eyes to breathe and the need for less frequent care. Keeping your glasses clean is extremely important! While this isn’t exactly rocket science, there could be more to it than you think. Continue reading for some tips from a local Redding CA  eye doctor on how to clean your glasses.

Make Sure That Your Hands Are Clean

Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching or cleaning your glasses. This helps you avoid accidentally transmitting bacteria or chemical residue to your lenses.

Use An Appropriate Cloth

Use a microfiber cloth or soft tissue. Just don’t use tissues that contain perfumes or lotions. You should also avoid scratchy materials like toilet paper or paper towels.

We recommend keeping a soft cloth, such as a microfiber cloth, on hand for quick touch-ups throughout the day. Store one in your office desk, purse, or glove compartment.

Do Not Use Your Shirt

Using your shirt to wipe an irritating smudge from the center of your lens is easy and may be tempting, especially if you find an unexpected smudge or splatter. Don’t do it! You could potentially damage the coating of your glasses.

Use A Proper Glasses-Cleaning Solution

We recommend that you only use professional cleaning agents on your lenses. In a pinch, you can use home dish soap, as long as it’s not lemon or orange. Citrus oils can damage your lenses. Call us before trying anything else. Otherwise, you risk damaging your lenses.

Take A Step-by-Step Approach 

First, rinse your glasses with warm water. Make sure it isn’t too hot! Hot water can damage the coating on certain types of lenses.

You can then apply some lens cleaning solution. Apply the cleaning solution gently to your frame and lenses. Carefully wash the frame, earpieces, and lenses. Pay special care to the parts that touch your face, as these are where grease and oil tend to gather.

Next, thoroughly rinse your glasses on all sides.

Finally, dry your glasses with a soft towel. It’s worth your while to do a last check before leaving the sink, just to make sure that  you haven’t missed any spots.

Keep Lens Wipes On Hand

You might want to have lens wipes on hand. When wiping your spectacles, always work from the arms to the nose bridge. The frames and nose piece will normally absorb the most residue from your skin, so make sure you’re removing it, not merely pushing it around.

Just don’t rely entirely on these. While lens cleaning wipes can help keep your glasses clean, they don’t replace regular glasses care. Your lenses should still be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Consult your optometrist for additional details.

Be Extra Careful With Coated Lenses

Coated lenses can significantly improve your vision, but they take more care than regular glasses. You should be very careful about what you use on coated glasses. Avoid using bleach, ammonia, hot water, window cleaner, or vinegar on coated lenses. These things may damage your glasses’ protective coating, rendering them inefficient or even ruining them.

Start Children Young

Do you have a child that needs glasses? Encourage them to form good habits early on by showing them these easy steps. If you use a sticker system or chalkboard to keep track of your child’s duties and obligations, include this on the list. Of course, for a child, you may need to do a few things to make it less of a chore. Investing in a colorful glasses case is also beneficial. This could be your child’s favorite color or design. You can also decorate it using stickers.

How Do I Avoid Losing My Glasses?

Part of caring for glasses is keeping track of them! If you’ve ever forgotten your glasses, you’re not alone. Of course, this can be a very costly omission! While we cannot guarantee a foolproof strategy for never losing your glasses, we can provide a few helpful pointers.

Get a Neck Cord

Are you a little (or maybe a lot) absent-minded? That is not uncommon! There’s also nothing to be ashamed of. Even Einstein was prone to forgetfulness at times! Consider getting a lanyard cord for your glasses. This is an excellent solution for people who frequently remove their glasses, even if only for a few seconds.

Use Cases

Get a durable case for your glasses and use it on a daily basis. If you have a habit of leaving your glasses on a desk or table, begin training yourself to always keep them in their case. You can also find cases that match your style, which may make things easier for you.

Providing your glasses with their own place is a highly effective solution. This might be a tiny basket in the kitchen, a spot on your desk or nightstand, or a drawer. always put them back in the same spot where you took them off.

Go High-Tech

Did you know you can buy devices to attach to your glasses and help you find them? A device called Look was invented specifically for this purpose. Once the device is installed, you can use your smartphone to find your misplaced glasses. (Of course, if you also lose your phone, you’re out of luck on this one.)

Always Double-check

Ensure you have your glasses before leaving any location, whether it’s a restaurant, a friend’s house, or even your place of employment.

Have A Backup Pair

Getting a second set of glasses may not save you from losing your primary ones, but it will come in handy if your other ones are lost or broken. Store your backup pair in the same location as your main ones. You can even buy a pair to keep in the car.

Always Check The Top Of Your Head

Have you ever thought you misplaced your glasses only to discover that you were wearing them? This may seem like a simple joke, yet it is not uncommon. If you believe you have lost your lenses, be sure you are not wearing them!

Visit Your Redding CA Eye Doctor Frequently

No matter how careful you are with your glasses, you will eventually need a new prescription. Make regular visits to your eye care center. You should also schedule an appointment immediately if you notice anything odd about your vision, such as blurriness, redness, burning, itching, halos, floaters, or any other problems.

Book An Appointment With Dr. Michael Young, O.D

Have you got any questions on how to care for or wear glasses? We can help. Please call us, your local Redding CA vision care office, at any time.

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