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Michael Young, O.D.
Doctor of Optometry
Eye Care For You


841 Hartnell Ave Ste B | Redding, CA 96002 | Phone: 530-222-1233

How To Protect  Your Eyes From Screen Time

November 15, 2024

Did you realize that most individuals now spend approximately 7 hours per day online? That figure is still rising, having increased by 1% since 2021. In fact, Digital Information World reports a 30% growth since 2019. While the rise of the internet has undoubtedly benefited humanity in several ways, there are some drawbacks. We will leave talks about the negative aspects of social media to others. Instead, we’re focusing on something far closer to our expertise: eye health. All that screen time can be bad for your eyes! Staring at a screen can cause redness, discomfort, and dry eyes. Read on to learn how a Redding CA optometrist can help you minimize the damage.

What Is The 20/20/20 Rule?

If there is a rule of thumb (or, more likely, an eye rule) to follow, this is it. It’s fairly simple!

Here is the main gist:

Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This allows your eyes to adjust and breathe a bit.

There are different variations, such as the 30/30/30 rule, which states that you should stare at something 30 feet away for 30 seconds every 30 minutes, and the 10/10/10 rule, which states that you should look at something ten feet away every ten minutes. You can mix and match: the idea is to take short breaks and allow your eyes to refocus frequently.

Many people struggle with remembering to do this. If you’re using a focus assist tool, consider adding it as a parameter. You can also set alarms on your phone or smartwatch.

What Lighting Is Best for Eye Health?

Never underestimate the impact that proper lighting can make. While LED lights have become extremely widespread, they are not necessarily the best for your eye health. A 2019 French study found that the blue light emitted by many LEDs can hurt the human eye.

What’s your best bet? Natural light has a warm tone. If you work in an office, try to sit near a window, as windows can block dangerous UV rays.

This also applies when watching television. When binge-watching your favorite show, have a gentle backdrop lighting.

Is Glare Bad For My Eyes?

Glare can be a hidden killer, as it causes your eyes to work harder than usual. Taking a few simple steps to lessen or limit glare can help protect your eyes. Ideally, position your lamps or light source at a 90-degree angle to your screen. Try not to have the light directly in front of or behind you.

How Can I Properly Set Up My Desk for Eye Health?

Ergonomics affects not just your eyes, but also your posture and circulation. For optimal eye health, keep the screen 20 to 30 inches from your face. A quick test would be to extend your arms straight and attempt to touch the screen. If you can’t reach it, it might be too far. If it gets much closer than your fingertips, it may be too close. If your arms are straight, it should not be too high or too low. If you are unable to vary the height of your screen or monitor, utilize an adjustable stand. Laptop users may want to consider an external monitor.

Think twice before employing two monitors. While there are certain benefits to this, such as being able to swiftly switch from one window to another, it may put additional pressure on your vision.

Is Dark Mode Good for My Eyes?

Dark mode will be ineffective in a very bright room. However, it can be useful in certain situations, such as utilizing a GPS system at night.

Here are some extra tips:

Don’t Let Your Eyes Dry Out

Are your eyes frequently dry and irritated? Artificial tears might help. However, consult your eye Happy Valley, CA doctor first. Using the improper type of eye drops may not only be ineffective, but may do more harm than good.

Eye drops aren’t always the solution here, especially if the air in your house or workplace is extremely dry and/or dusty. A humidifier might help.

Schedule Regular Eye Exams With Your Palo Cedro CA Eye Doctor

We cannot stress the significance of regular eye examinations. One of the reasons this is so important is that many eye disorders begin with minimal or no symptoms. Without regular checks, many disorders may go unnoticed until symptoms deteriorate dramatically. At that point, it may be too late to address the problem properly.

This is also an important part of protecting your eyes from screen time. Your eyes do change with time. If you use an old prescription for glasses or contacts, you may be unintentionally straining your eyes. (Or, at the very least, not helping them, which means you won’t be seeing as well as you could be.)

However, depending on your age and eye health, the frequency with which you should visit may differ. Consult your Palo Cedro CA eye doctor for an appointment schedule.

Take Time Away From Your Screen

We understand how difficult it can be to unplug in today’s world. However, taking time away from those screens might benefit not only your eyes, but also your overall physical health. It’s also helpfulfor your mental health!

Give yourself some ‘unplug’ time every day or week, and reduce the time you spend playing video games and watching television. If you enjoy reading, try audiobooks instead of constantly picking up your phone, tablet, or Kindle. (Old-fashioned paper books may also work for the unplugging part, but they won’t exactly rest your eyes.) 

Adjust Your Screen Settings

When deciding on things like brightness, color intensity, and letter size, personal preference is undoubtedly important. However, in general, you should opt for the things that are most beneficial to your eye health.

You may find that a high-definition display is easier on the eyes. Turning down the blue light may also be beneficial.

Consider Using Glasses Instead Of Contacts

There are advantages and disadvantages to both glasses and contacts. There are numerous things to consider before selecting one over the other. However, if you spend a lot of time online, as most of us do these days, you may find that glasses are a little easier on your eyes. They’ll allow your eyes to breathe, which can assist keep them healthy while also preventing or reducing dryness and irritation.

Of course, there may be more factors that make contacts a better option for you. For example, if you enjoy going to the gym after work, contacts may be more convenient. Consider giving your eyes a break and wearing glasses once a week. This is also something you should discuss with your optometrist.

Conclusion: In recent years, people have spent an increasing amount of time looking at screens. It is critical to take precautions to protect your eyes from the accompanying strain.

Visit Dr. Michael Young, O.D

Are you due for a vision check? Do you think you need an updated prescription, or maybe new glasses or contacts? Contact Dr. Michael Young, O.D. We are dedicated to offering great care, great service, and great products.

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